L Hakkarainen & K Karvinen (2022) Invitation to a discussion on gender and technology, Leida journal, issue 1 on Technocriticism.
L Hakkarainen (2019) Digitaalinen väkivalta parisuhteessa ja sen jälkeen – opas väkivallan kokijalle, ammattilaiselle ja läheiselle, Naisten Linja Suomessa ry.
L Hakkarainen (2017) Caring for Technology: Evolving Living Lab Collaboration, doctoral thesis, Aalto University.
L Hakkarainen, S Hyysalo (2016) The Evolution of Intermediary Activities: Broadening the Concept of Facilitation in Living Labs, Technology Innovation Management Review, 6 (1): 45–58.
L Hakkarainen, S Hyysalo (2013) How do we keep the living laboratory alive? Learning and conflicts in living lab collaboration, Technology Innovation Management Review 3 (12).
S Hyysalo, L Hakkarainen (2014) What difference does a living lab make? Comparing two health technology innovation projects, CoDesign 10 (3-4).
S Hyysalo, V Hyysalo, L Hakkarainen (2019) The work of democratized design in setting-up a hosted citizen-designer community, International Journal of Design 13 (1).
S Hyysalo, P Repo, P Timonen, L Hakkarainen et al. (2016) Diversity and change of user driven innovation modes in companies, International Journal of Innovation Management 20(2).
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